Human Connection
the heart-centered way
Conscious Communication & Relationship
This is the deepest work you can do. It takes courage and curiosity and a whole lot of compassion to bring your heart, your voice and your listening to yourself and others.
The reward of true connection is worth every effort.
“You can either be right, or you can be in relationship.”
-Dr. Stan Tatkin
What if I told you that it’s not about being right or that being right or proving your point (hear me out) isn’t actually what will solve your problems in relationship. What if I told you that learning to listen, to get curious instead of defensive and stretching yourself to hold multiple perspectives will do far more for your life and your soul than being right (and therefore making others wrong) ever could.
Conscious Relationship is not about being a perfect human, it’s about being real and empowering yourself through vulnerability and by taking ownership of your own experience (goodbye “you make me feel”, hello, “I feel ___ when you do ____”.
Becoming a clear communicator is a maturation process. It means growing out of patterned behavior and learning to relate in new, authentic and embodied ways. It begins with a willingness to be human, to get messy and to show up even when it’s hard.
This is the path of Secure-Functioning attachment that will transform your relationships and your life.
Feeling ready?
It all comes down to Secure Attachment
The thing is, you need to feel safe enough to relate as a mature functioning adult. Many of us spend our adult years relating as past versions of ourselves because we haven’t established the felt sense of safety (internally and externally) that we need in order to show up as our now selves, awake, aware and authentically human.
This is where our work comes in. We will take time to honor past experiences, release the stress that is stuck in your body, feel the feelings all the way through so that you can integrate a lifetime of emotions and open yourself up to the kind of connection you desire- deep, meaningful, playful and heart-centered.
Becoming Secure Functioning
It’s helpful to understand what Secure Functioning means and to consider what it looks like in relationship since most of us were not modeled Secure Attachment and are more familiar with other relational dynamics.
Secure Functioning means to establish a felt-sense of safety within yourself and in the face of others that allows you to be true, present, responsive and collaborative. Without a sense of internal safety, we lose the ability to discern between real and perceived threat and resort to behaviors we learned long ago. Once upon a time these behaviors, or strategies of self-preservation, were helpful but they block present day, adult you from feeling a true sense of safety, belonging, and support in yourself and your relationships.
It’s not your fault and you have the power to learn new ways of being in relationship that give you energy rather than drain you, that uplift you rather than bring you down, that have you feeling grateful instead of restful and open to life instead of shut down and isolated.
The path to Secure Functioning happens in relationship, and that’s what I am here for, supporting you to live and love fully.
I work with individuals, couples, co-parents and colleagues to establish healthy, heart-centered communication and thriving relationships.
This is for you if you are ready to:
-feel at home in your own body
-own your curiosity, desires, sensitivities and truth
-listen with the whole of your body, speak from the depths of your truth
-feel creative, collaborative and playful in your relationships
-experience depth, intimacy and companionship as a couple
-trust yourself as a parent and/or co-parent to model healthy functioning for your young ones (their secure functioning starts with you)
I believe in your readiness for change.
Let’s connect over a call or email to discuss how I can best support you.